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Counselling in St Albans and Harpenden, Hertfordshire | 07866 984220 |
Christina Therapy
Feb 7
Feeling trapped by your to-do list? How therapy can help avoid a burnout.
Have you forgotten what it feels like to not be tired? Do you not enjoy daily ordinary activities as much as you used to? Is it difficult...
Christina Therapy
Jul 12, 2023
Interview with Christina
This interview appeared at We Are St. Albans website. If you wish, you can view it here. HI CHRISTINA. WE LOVE HAVING YOU AS A MEMBER OF...
Christina Therapy
Sep 29, 2022
The time when I ran a marathon and what I learnt along the journey
Why did you run a marathon I hear you ask! I wanted to do something that was beyond my capabilities and push me out of my comfort zone....
Christina Therapy
Feb 17, 2022
How journaling and self-compassion can help to heal physical pain
Learn how unfelt feelings can manifest in physical pain and why journaling could help you to feel better.
Christina Therapy
Jul 25, 2021
Boundaries or barriers?
Boundaries, boundaries, boundaries. Everyone keeps talking about boundaries and it seems to be a bit of a buzz word. But what are they?...
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